Chouaib DAKOUAN University lecturer in Management Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco | Akram BOUATERIA University lecturer in Management Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco |
Redouane BENABDELOUAHED University lecturer in Management Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco | Oulaya EL BEKKALI University lecturer in Management Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco |
The history of advertising is marked by a series of technological advancements that have profoundly influenced how businesses engage with their target audience. Rather than rendering previous methods obsolete, each innovation has complemented existing strategies, providing marketers with a richer toolkit to reach diverse consumer segments.
This article offers a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of marketing practices, contextualized within the backdrop of technological progress, particularly the advent of the internet. By delving into the progression from traditional Marketing 1.0 to the digitally-driven Marketing 4.0 landscape, it seeks to unravel the underlying motivations behind each evolutionary stage and underscore the pivotal role of technological innovation in shaping contemporary advertising approaches.
Through a nuanced analysis of the historical trajectory of marketing evolution, this study aims to contribute theoretically to our understanding of how businesses adapt their strategies in response to changing technological landscapes.
Key words: Marketing evolution, technological advances, advertising, digital marketing, Marketing 4.0, consumer engagement, internet revolution, business adaptation.
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